Franzensbad in Böhmen
With black & white illustrations
- 15 x 21 cm, 64 pages
- hardback, thread-stitching, dust jacket
- ISBN 978-3-89919-118-9
- In Stock
Available in
€ 9,90 (D)€ 10,20 (Ö)
Established in the late 18th century, Franzensbad (Františkovy Lázně) with its bubbling, healing spring, elegant buildings and extensive parks has attracted countless visitors to the Egerland (Chebsko), including such eminent figures as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Emperor Franz I of Austria. So it is hardly surprising that much has been written about this spa resort; there are chronicles on the town’s origins, legends wreathed around the source of the springs, and diaries written by visitors taking the waters: “As every year, I am more agile, merrier, my bronchial catarrh seems to have blown away, my appetite is excellent, my sleep deep and peaceful. God bless my beloved Franzensbad.”